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Dance classes for wheelchair users

Dance classes for wheelchair users

Winchester’s Liberate Dance is an exclusively wheelchair-based dance company offering a range of dance styles - from contemporary to Hip-Hop - and a range of classes, from studio sessions to online.

Part of Move Momentum, a charity set up on the belief that dance should be accessible to everyone, Liberate Dance is all about celebrating the freedom of movement a wheelchair brings to people with disabilities.

The charity offers three Liberate classes, and which run during term-time:

  • Liberate for adults (14+): Saturdays 2-3pm, Unit 12, Winnall Valley Road, Winchester SO23 0LD

  • Liberate Youth (for 7-13 year-olds): Saturdays 12.30-1.30pm, Unit 12, Winnall Valley Road, Winchester SO23 0LD

  • Liberate Online - for any age, and run via Zoom, on Wednesdays 7- 8pm.

Plus, there’s an annual Liberate Holiday Camp, running this year, Saturday 5 - Sunday 6 August, 10.0am-4pm (with plenty of breaks!)

Amanda Watkinson, Move Momentum CEO and dance teacher, says, “ Our Liberate Dance classes are far more than a dance class, though. We’re a friendly, welcoming group - inclusive, adaptable and flexible to meet each of our participant's needs. We’re also a support network and family.

“And while the benefits of dance are well-known - both physical and mental - the main aim of all our classes is for our participants to have fun.”

Classes are £3 per session, with discount available for block bookings, and anyone can do a free trial for any of the classes - and there’s also the opportunity to take part in Move Momentum’s Summer Show, and taking place this year on Saturday 17 June, at the Performance Gym, University of Winchester, 5-6pm.


Amanda continues, “One of our Liberate students recently said, ‘It's good to be a part of something where you can laugh and dance. There's no need to worry about your ability as everyone works at their own level. It has a real 'feelgood' factor!’


“That’s just what we want to hear!” says Amanda.

Winchester’s Liberate Dance is an exclusively wheelchair-based dance company offering a range of dance styles - from contemporary to Hip-Hop - and a range of classes, from studio sessions to online.

Part of Move Momentum, a charity set up on the belief that dance should be accessible to everyone, Liberate Dance is all about celebrating the freedom of movement a wheelchair brings to people with disabilities.

The charity offers three Liberate classes, and which run during term-time:

  • Liberate for adults (14+): Saturdays 2-3pm, Unit 12, Winnall Valley Road, Winchester SO23 0LD

  • Liberate Youth (for 7-13 year-olds): Saturdays 12.30-1.30pm, Unit 12, Winnall Valley Road, Winchester SO23 0LD

  • Liberate Online - for any age, and run via Zoom, on Wednesdays 7- 8pm.

Plus, there’s an annual Liberate Holiday Camp, running this year, Saturday 5 - Sunday 6 August, 10.0am-4pm (with plenty of breaks!)

Amanda Watkinson, Move Momentum CEO and dance teacher, says, “ Our Liberate Dance classes are far more than a dance class, though. We’re a friendly, welcoming group - inclusive, adaptable and flexible to meet each of our participant's needs. We’re also a support network and family.

“And while the benefits of dance are well-known - both physical and mental - the main aim of all our classes is for our participants to have fun.”

Classes are £3 per session, with discount available for block bookings, and anyone can do a free trial for any of the classes - and there’s also the opportunity to take part in Move Momentum’s Summer Show, and taking place this year on Saturday 17 June, at the Performance Gym, University of Winchester, 5-6pm.


Amanda continues, “One of our Liberate students recently said, ‘It's good to be a part of something where you can laugh and dance. There's no need to worry about your ability as everyone works at their own level. It has a real 'feelgood' factor!’


“That’s just what we want to hear!” says Amanda.