Rated on Google, Trustpilot & Checkatrade


The S700 is designed for those who refuse to compromise on their independence. With its powerful motor and large wheels, it tackles outdoor terrains that would challenge lesser scooters, from uneven pavements to grassy parks. You're probably concerned about comfort on longer journeys - the S700's ergonomic seat and adjustable tiller ensure you're comfortable, whether you're popping to the shops or enjoying an extended day out. Worried about safety? The S700's advanced lighting system and responsive controls keep you visible and in command.

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Product Features

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Product Specifications

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Width: 660mm (66cm)
Length:1500mm (150cm)


Width: 660mm (66cm)
Length: 6600mm (66cm)

Product Gallery

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S700 Mobility Scooter

How much does the Sunrise Medical S700 Mobility Scooter weigh?
What is\ the maximum weight capacity of the scooter?
How long does the battery last on a single charge?
How long does it take to fully charge the battery?
Is the scooter suitable for outdoor use? Can it handle different terrains?
Is the Sunrise Medical S700 foldable or easily disassembled for transport?
Does it come with a warranty? If so, what does the warranty cover?
Are replacement parts easily available?
How fast can the Sunrise Medical S700 go?
Is it easy to manoeuvre in tight spaces, like in a store or at home?
How comfortable is the seating? Can it be adjusted?
Does the scooter h\ave any storage, like a basket or pouch?
Is it suitable for taller or shorter individuals?
How does the scooter handle in wet conditions or rain?
What maintenance is required for the scooter?
Are there any safety features like lights, reflectors, or horns?
Can I travel on an airplane with my Sunrise Medical S700